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8 Keys to Stand Strong

Apr 01, 2019

I was challenged by a few Biz Besties to write an eBook in a Weekend - this is that weekend! There are a few of us writing eBooks this weekend - I will share some of the other ones when they are completed. This has become not only this one eBook that is coming soon! It's almost done - formatted and all... just finished the cover earlier today, it is going to be a series of Journey Journals to help you with a place to gather your thoughts and explore the world that lives between your ears. 

This first book is helping to prepare you for a stance of standing stronger and being comfortable with who you are. Helping you also to understand why finding people that 'get you' is so important and to help you see that the way you rest is actually a big part of working smarter not harder. It is a very important part of standing strong - who knew that standing strong meant taking time to rest. 

In this book you will learn the keys that have helped me to stand stronger in 2019 and continue to step more boldly into the gift that I have of sharing life through words with you and sharing my perspectives to help you to see the world from a new point of view. I am excited to be sharing your journey with you and may this journal be a launching pad for your own personal growth journey. 


As soon as this is available on Amazon I will put a link here for sure. If you would like to pre-order a copy head on over to my Facebook Page and send me a message in messenger. 


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