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What Garden Are you Tending

Mar 31, 2019

Our life is like a garden - what we plant is what we grow. Just as the seed doesn't look like the finished mature fruit neither does the seed in our lives look like the fruit. 

What are the seeds you are planting in the garden soil that is your heart! 
Plant Love with a Hug!
Plant Joy with some Laughter!
Plant Peace with some quietness.
Plant Self-Control through holding your tongue.
Plant Gentleness through speaking positive words. 
Plant Kindness by performing random acts of kindness. 
Plant Faithfulness by standing by your friend in a time of distress.
Plant Goodness by giving without expectation of anything in return. 
Plant Patience by staying calm while you are waiting on _________________. 
To see more of the quotes as above head on over to the Be BOLD You Pinterest Account and you will find them. Feel free to use them as you wish also. Blessings, May the grace of God be with you. Watch for another post coming up soon that talks about what we are to meditate on to have a life that is full of joy, overflowing with abundance and contentment. 
Looking forward to connecting with you more. 

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