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Quotes to Encourage You - Post 1 - What Do You See Missing in the World Around You?

Apr 08, 2019

What are you withholding from the world? 

Now is the time for you to step fully into all that you were created to be and bring to the world the fullness of you! 

You may have heard it said that when we see someone that 'bugs' us in another person it is most likely a part of us that we do and wish we didn't. If we apply that to what we see missing from the world we get the following statement. 

Whatever you think the world is withholding from you...You are withholding from the world. ~Ekhart Tolle 

Cyndilu (that's me!) says it this way - if you see something that is missing from the world it means that within you is the key to knowing how to bring that very thing to the world. Let's look at it from the aspect of if you see flowers missing from a town square - you will have within you the desire to see that beauty come to being. You would have the ability to make that happen... be it you and a friend start planting flowers there or you start a petition for it to become a part of the scheme for a neighborhood beautification project that is being put together. Either way YOU have it in you to bring that beauty to the world! 

I challenge you today to ask what it is you see missing that you have within you to share and start sharing that! 

With much love and blessing! 



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