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013 - A bit of my own story and a treat at the end! with Cyndilu

Season #1

Nicole came on and did some fun interview questions at the start that was sharing a bit of my own story of why I want to help others discover the beauty in who they are created to be and help them navigate life's twists and turns to make something beautiful of their lives so they can live life out loud and be fully who they are created to be!

Then I turned around and interviewed her about her graphics course which is the perfect one to take if you are a beginner and new to graphics! She will help walk you through your first creations and literally within a day you can be designing your own graphics! So Fun!

Blessings to each of you.

This was recorded on a facebook live - so yep it is live and raw and unedited! I was going to make it into two but decided to keep it as one. there is a long purposeful pause between the two interview sections. Enjoy! Blessings

To connect with Nicole: https://www.facebook.com/IgniteYourSideHustle

Connect with Cyndilu Here

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